A Note From New CEO Geoff Buchheister
From ski racer to ski leader, get to know the new CEO of Aspen Snowmass.

Welcome to Aspen Snowmass. It’s an honor to host you in our mountains this winter, and we’re grateful that you have chosen to spend this time with us. There is so much to see, experience, and explore across our four incredible mountains. As someone who grew up in the Colorado Rockies, I’ve always loved the mountains because they’re unpredictable—on any given day, they have the ability to both embrace and challenge us. They provide an unmatched calm and beauty while at the same time giving us an opportunity to push ourselves to new limits.
Every day is unique and different—a chance to put the past behind you, chart a new course, and be inspired by wherever that new path takes you. This is my first season here in Aspen and my first as CEO of Aspen Skiing Company, so I'll be exploring these mountains alongside you this winter. While everything will be new for me, there is also something new for all of us with the opening of Hero's on Aspen Mountain—an incredible addition of gladed trails, steep chutes, and new vistas. I have joined an amazing team with a rich history, and together we hope to help you find something—a run, a meal, a conversation, an experience—that inspires you. I'll be along for the ride with you as I listen and learn. We hope you’ll lose yourself here at Aspen Snowmass, and if you must return home, return transformed.

Geoff Buchheister
CEO, Aspen Skiing Company