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SBP Race Series

Join local and visiting riders, or challenge your friends on a different course each week, then exercise your bragging rights over a cold beer at the Limelight Hotel Snowmass after the race.

Tuesdays, June 25 - August 6 2024 | 4 - 6:30pm | Snowmass Bike Park | Lift ticket required
Now in its sixth year, the Snowmass Bike Park’s Race Series is back for another season of downhill racing. The races are in conjunction with Sunset Tuesdays at Elk Camp & Bonus Bike Nights held Tuesdays June 25 - August 6.

Presented by 100%

There will be no races on July 16th.

Event Registration
The price is $120 for the series of 6 races or $25 per week and includes 1 timing chip. The registration fee does not include the bike park lift ticket. Riders can purchase a late arrival lift ticket for just $46, valid 2pm until dusk if they do not have a Snowmass Bike Park Pass.
Participants must be at least 10 years old and anyone under 18 will need a parent or guardian to sign the electronic release waiver. A helmet and knee pads are required in order to race. If you lose your timing chip and need a replacement after week 1 the cost is $10 each.


All competitors will need to check in at the TOP of the Elk Camp Gondola by the Elk Camp Restaurant to receive a timing chip and bike plate. Check in will begin at 3pm and end at 6pm. If check-in is closed please go to the start where you can pick up a timing chip if you are already registered.

Race Format
This year we will be allowing each racer to take up to 2 race runs each week between 4pm and 6:30pm and only your fastest time will be counted. Racers who have not already done a race lap will get priority in the start line.

Series Awards
We will host an awards ceremony after the 6th race. Each registrant will be entered into a raffle to win prizes from our sponsors each week. You will be notified via email after the event if you are selected as a prize winner. The winner of the series will be determined by the best 5 of 6 results. Instead of cumulative time over the series the finish place (ie 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc) will be added up. The winner will be the racer with the lowest sum of 5 out of 6 race results.

Team Competition
Racers can group up to form a team whose combined individual times over the series of all 6 races will determine the winner. The top 3 times from each team will be added each week and the top 3 teams will be awarded at the end of the series. Teams must have a minimum of 3 members.

Schedule & Results
Racing will begin at 4pm and the last start will be at 6:30pm. There will not be a specific start times so racers can head to the start anytime in that 2.5-hour window. Racers will start at intervals of 1 per minute.

2024 Race Schedule & Results
6/25/24Viking to Cross Mountain to GaragamelView ResultsView Race Photos
7/2/24VaporView ResultsView Race Photos
7/9/24Full French PressView ResultsView Race Photos
7/23/24Cowboy Coffee to Dust BunnyView ResultsView Race Photos
7/30/24Full Battle AxeView ResultsView Race Photos
8/6/24Animal CrackersView ResultsView Race Photos

2023 Race Schedule & Results
7/11/23Viking to Cross Mountain to GaragamelClick HereClick Here
7/18/23Full French Press Click HereClick Here
7/25/23Full Battle AxeClick HereClick Here
8/1/23Cowboy Coffee to Dust BunnyClick Here Click Here
8/8/23Animal Crackers to VaporClick HereClick Here

2023 Series Results

2022 Race Results
7/5/22Upper French Press to Dust BunnyCancelled
7/12/22Viking to Cross Mountain to GargamelClick Hereclick here
7/19/22Vapor to Cowboy CoffeeClick Here click here
7/26/22Full French PressClick Here click here
8/2/22Battle AxeClick Here click here
8/9/22Animal Crackers Click Hereclick here

2022 Series Results

2021 Race Results

2021 Series Results

Refund Policy
Entry fees will be refunded ONLY to athletes with a valid medical reason under the following provisions: Entry fees will be refunded if requested 24 hours prior to the race. Participants must have a valid medical reason and documentation, each case will be reviewed. A 25% service charge will be deducted from all refunds. All refunds are at the sole discretion of Aspen Snowmass. No refunds will be given due to event cancellation. Registrations are non-transferable.

Weekly SBP Race Series Sponsors