Race Day Information

Race Day Information
Start Times:
Power of Four and Two - Saturday, February 22
Power of Four Course: 6am at Snowmass Base Village
Power of Two Course: 8am at Aspen Highlands Base Village (base of Thunder Bowl)
Getting to the Start:
The start of the Audi Power of Four and Audi Power of Two will return to a mass start this season. For Audi Power of Four Racers, RFTA will be running two busses from Brush Creek Intercept Lot the morning of February, 10th. Busses will run at 4:40am and 5:05am to Snowmass Base Village. For racers wanting to park in Snowmass day parking is available at the Snowmass Base Village Garage (right at the start) for $30.
Transportation to the base of Aspen Highlands for the Power of Two start is available via regular RFTA bus transportation. Please check the schedule at www.rfta.com for details.
Dry Bag:
Each racer is allowed to have one bag (please provide your own) transported to the Finish Area in Aspen.
Power of Four and Two - Saturday, February 22
Power of Four Course: 6am at Snowmass Base Village
Power of Two Course: 8am at Aspen Highlands Base Village (base of Thunder Bowl)
Getting to the Start:
The start of the Audi Power of Four and Audi Power of Two will return to a mass start this season. For Audi Power of Four Racers, RFTA will be running two busses from Brush Creek Intercept Lot the morning of February, 10th. Busses will run at 4:40am and 5:05am to Snowmass Base Village. For racers wanting to park in Snowmass day parking is available at the Snowmass Base Village Garage (right at the start) for $30.
Transportation to the base of Aspen Highlands for the Power of Two start is available via regular RFTA bus transportation. Please check the schedule at www.rfta.com for details.
Dry Bag:
Each racer is allowed to have one bag (please provide your own) transported to the Finish Area in Aspen.