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Three full-time employees, including two members of senior management, oversee our efforts to engage with the community and staff, adopt environmentally friendly operations, lead political activism efforts, communicate our aims to legislators and lawmakers, oversee our three foundations, and galvanize other members of the industry — including our competitors — to protect our winters and alter the course of global climate change.

Meet our team below.

Auden Schendler

SVP of Sustainability

Head shot of Auden Schendler
Auden Schendler is Senior Vice President of Sustainability at Aspen Skiing Company, where he works on scale solutions to climate change, including clean-energy development, policy, advocacy and activism. He helped develop the only coal-mine-methane to electricity project in the United States and other pioneering clean-energy projects in solar and hydroelectricity. Along with Protect Our Winters, where he serves on the board, he is working to mobilize the outdoor industry as a political force like the NRA. Previously a research associate at Rocky Mountain Institute, Auden’s work has been covered in Businessweek, Men’s Journal, Fast Company and Outside, and he is author of the book “Getting Green Done,” which climatologist James Hansen called “an antidote to greenwash.”

He publishes widely on climate change, parenting, and the outdoors. Named a “climate innovator” by TIME magazine and a “climate saver” by the EPA, he has testified to Congress and spoken at Starbucks, Google, and business schools at Harvard, MIT, Yale and Dartmouth, as well as to fourth graders and Chilean kayakers. Auden has served on several Governor-appointed boards in Colorado, including the Air Quality Control Commission and the Pollution Prevention Advisory board.

Between 2016 and 2020, he was elected to Basalt, Colorado’s town council, and served until 2020. He lives in Basalt with his wife and two children.

Michael Miracle

Director of Community Engagement

Michael Miracle, Director of Community Engagement
As Director of Community Engagement, Michael has what some of his coworkers describe as “the most nebulous job at the company.” On any given day, he could be working on traffic and transportation challenges, sitting on a mental-health steering committee, brainstorming ideas for future marketing campaigns, co-writing an op-ed about immigration policy, trying to move the needle on the Aspen area’s affordable housing conundrum, or working directly with local elected officials and government staff to find solutions for each of those problems and more. All of the work ties to Aspen Skiing Company's belief that a healthy, thriving community benefits everyone, including visitors to the resort.

Prior to joining the company, Michael spent almost 20 years as a magazine editor, first at Skiing Magazine and then at Aspen Sojourner.

Hannah Berman

Senior Sustainability and Philanthropy Manager

Hannah Berman, Senior Sustainability

Hannah Berman manages sustainability programs, philanthropy, and initiatives to promote equity and justice. She helped pass a mill levy to increase teacher pay in the Roaring Fork Valley School District and legislation to create the first special-district for childcare in the nation. She is also the Executive Director of the Environment Foundation, which has donated more than $4.4 million since its inception to fight climate change, bolster clean energy at scale and policy level, and foster environmental stewardship.

Her previous roles include a water lead-tester (recommendation: avoid the lead), cake baker (record: 16 lbs of butter), and environmental consultant (conclusion: not enough skiing included). She studied economics and environmental studies at Bowdoin College, with a minor in education. While on campus, she helped lead the “Diversity Matters” series about how race and class affect students’ campus experience. She was a 2022 National Fellow at the Clean Energy Leadership Institute.